How can you describe five days of happiness in a few lines, a few months of preparation before and months of production after?
First of all, what you need to know is that it was fortunate that the show was moved from January to March because after having produced the Christmas production for La Samaritaine, it would have been impossible for me to prepare the Maison & Objet show barely a month later.
It is for this same reason that Porcelaine Moderne was unable to participate in the September 2022 and January 2023 shows. It is impossible to split between production for Department Stores and preparation for the show.
Let's return to the preparation of the show, the most important upstream is the creation of prototypes, new flower cakes, vases, cups and especially the development of the Introduction to Bonheur collection which existed only in the form of tassels and which will now available on the emblematic pieces of Modern Porcelain: mini cups, mugs and vases.
After creating the prototypes, we must format the new catalog and above all start working on preparing the stand.
I immediately knew how I wanted to arrange it, I had in mind a shelf of vases in the back, decorative objects below and tableware on the side.
The preparation was also a huge notepad, with one page per theme so as not to forget anything, from the layout to the logistics to welcoming customers.
For the creation of the stand, I was lucky enough to be helped by my father and we built the stand using elements from the arts reserve, a recycling center dedicated to creative professions.
The first day of the show, I was ready, 9 a.m. is opening time, during the first minutes, the first visitors to the show pass in front of the stand but no one stops, a part of me says to itself , you have to be prepared for it not to work. How do you know what to expect when you've never been to this show?
The minutes of doubt do not last, the first customers arrive and the stand will not be empty throughout the show.
An absolutely magical experience which contributed to the development of Porcelaine Moderne with the arrival of numerous points of sale in France and abroad.