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Services (4)

  • C'est Cadeaux! Le Workshop!

    Venez découvrir le travail de la faïence lors du workshop "C'est Cadeaux! dédié aux arts de la table de Porcelaine Moderne. Le workshop C'est Cadeaux! A table! est accessible à tous les niveaux. Au cours de cet atelier de 4h nous préparons plusieurs types d'objets autour des arts de la table en modelage et en estampage. Au programme: - deux ronds de serviettes - deux assiettes - un bougeoir - un plat - deux coupelles - un petit vase Les initiations au modelage commencent toujours par des ronds de serviette car cela permet d'appréhender facilement les règles de base du modelage et vous découvrir également la technique de l'estampage lors de ce workshop. Nous nous occupons ensuite de l'émaillage pour un rendu professionnel. Et pour ceux qui veulent un peu plus de brillance, nous proposons aussi la dorure en option. Rejoignez-nous pour une expérience créative unique. L'option dorure est de 10€ par pièce hors ronds de serviette (10€/2). Une option packaging est également disponible en supplément pour 45€, l'ensemble des pièces seront emballées individuellement dans des boîtes en kraft rigide à l'exception des ronds de serviette (2/boîte)

  • Mon beau sapin

    Vous cherchez une façon unique et créative de décorer votre maison pour les fêtes ? Rejoignez-nous chez Porcelaine Moderne pour notre atelier "Mon beau sapin" où vous pourrez créer de magnifiques décorations en céramique à suspendre dans le sapin ou à disposer sur vos tables pour les fêtes de fin d'année. Notre équipe vous guidera dans le processus de fabrication de vos décorations puis s'occupera de l'émaillage pour vous. Pour affirmer le côté festif de vos décorations, la dorure est en option 15€ pour 5 pièces, 30€ pour 10 pièces disponible pour les lettrages et certains types de motifs. . Profitez de cet atelier unique dans l'année pour ajouter une touche personnelle et artistique à votre décorations de Noël. Looking for a unique and creative way to decorate your home for the holidays? Join us at Porcelaine Moderne for our "Mon beau sapin" workshop where you can create your own beautiful ceramic ornaments to hang on your tree or display on your holiday tables. Our team will guide you through the process of crafting your ornaments and then take care of the glazing for you. For an extra touch of elegance, we also offer optional gold lettering or motifs for an additional fee. Don't miss out on this special opportunity to add a personal and artistic touch to your holiday decor. L'atelier Mon beau sapin dure 1h30 à 2h. Son tarif est plus élevé car les pièces à polir, à émailler et à enfourner sont beaucoup plus nombreuses que pour les autres ateliers. The Mon beau sapin workshop lasts 1h30 to 2h. Its price is higher because the pieces to be polished, glazed and fired are much more numerous than for other workshops.

  • C'est Cadeaux! Faire un plat;)

    Venez découvrir l'art de la céramique avec l'atelier "C'est Cadeaux" de Porcelaine Moderne. Notre initiation à l'estampage vous permettra de créer un porte-savon coquillage et un plat à décorer selon vos envies. Nous nous occupons ensuite de l'émaillage pour un rendu professionnel. Et pour ceux qui veulent un petit plus de brillance, nous proposons aussi de la dorure en option. Rejoignez-nous pour une expérience créative unique. Accessible à tous les niveaux.

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Blog Posts (14)

  • French Légion d'Honneur Association X Porcelaine Moderne

    In 2022, Porcelaine Moderne had the chance to create decorative objects for the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor. Before showing you some photos, I would like to briefly tell you the story of this partnership. In the winter of 2021, looking for people of good will to help me in the production of my order for La Samaritaine, I had the chance to meet the director of the SMLH. Members of the Legion of Honor are very attached to the importance of transmitting know-how and surpassing oneself. Values that have a lot of meaning for me and it was a huge honor for me to be able to discuss these subjects with Mr. Lucas. At the end of the conversation, the idea of creating specific objects for the SMLH online store had just emerged and a few meetings later with the teams and the prototypes were ready. Objects designed for the office, objects designed to be offered by members to their apprentices. Among all the prototypes produced, three products are available on the website of the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor. The products are available on the website of the society of members of the Legion of Honor: Porcelaine Moderne offers personalized objects made in France and gilded with fine gold by hand. The customizable objects are modeled in earthenware with great attention to detail.

  • The Introduction to Happiness collection

    The Introduction to Happiness collection is one of the first Porcelaine Moderne projects and I say projects because it is a theme that existed before Porcelaine Moderne. This collection was born from the meeting of two little stories of life. On the one hand, the story of my friend Anastasia who had to rush back to Moscow to start her life again, she had left her Christmas decorations behind and instead, she had hung her wishes on small papers. Such a lovely way of doing things, it had a huge impact on me and on the other side of the continent, there was me and my madness for large fir trees. I started this quest for the big tree when I was 25, it was the crisis, I was having trouble finding my first job and I still wanted a tree for Christmas. I got a small tree at a good price because it had been damaged by the rain, I even added branches found in the street to make it look a little less stunted. Like my professional situation, my tree grew from year to year! When I stopped working as an employee, I didn't want to give up my Christmas tree which now touched the ceiling every year. I didn't want to give it up because it represented the spirit of Christmas for me, I preferred to use the gift budget for the tree budget because what I wanted was to be able to get up enjoying this beautiful tree which represented the spirit Christmas every morning. I had replaced the gifts with fake gifts from my *Christmas will kill you* exhibition and what mattered were the values of this time of year. That was it, the introduction to happiness project, nine tassels to hang in the tree with nine little words of happiness. The nine most important values for me, those which have more meaning than all gifts and which I wanted to share through this project. Love, joy, happiness, presence because it is so important to be there for those around us, for our elders, help because there are so many things we can do just by giving a few moments of our time, benevolence, goodness and gratitude, tenderness because it is so important to be to live in a spirit of gentleness. This earthenware Christmas decoration collection was one of the first prototypes made in 2020 and it was in 2022 that this collection began to be available in small coffee cups and bowls before expanding to take almost all shapes that existed in the workshop, mugs and vases of all sizes, maxi cups and pendants this year. A collection designed to accompany the little moments of your days, objects designed like little gifts to say the little words we need and the little thoughts we want to share. The Introduction to Happiness collection is the great classic of Porcelaine Moderne, you can easily find it online and in stores.

  • Pumpkin Paradise, autumn according to Porcelaine Moderne

    Porcelaine Moderne inaugurates a new stage in its development with the publication of its first blog article dedicated to the art of living throughout the seasons. To help you discover the world of its creator, her inspirations as well as her aspirations, her passions, we start with the creation of a centerpiece to set the tone in the living room, made up of a crocheted Swan Lake placemat. found in a flea market on the Arcachon basin this summer, accompanied by dried flowers from Castellet-les-Sausses, Little Jack pumpkins and a pumpkin. All these elements with Halloween accents accompany the Merci, Sparkle et je t'aime micro-vases made in Paris in the Porcelaine Moderne workshop. A vase from the 100 ways to love collection available from November 9, 2023 at Printemps boulevard Haussmann has also found a little space for itself! Autumn is the time to prepare your environment for the arrival of winter; a large vase of eucalyptus that is left to dry can help ward off the first cold snaps of the season. You will then just need to harvest a few leaves which you will leave to simmer in a pan of water which you will monitor carefully. You can inhale and your house will delicately take on the smell of eucalyptus. It is important to take advantage of every moment of the year to organize events in which to get together if the party for no reason had no other purpose than to create an opportunity to get together. September 29 is the day when Christians celebrated courage through the figure of Saint Michael. Between Michaelmas and Martins, many fairs are held in the countryside to celebrate the harvest, so it's the ideal time to showcase the goodness of the countryside in our homes. To celebrate courage and in particular the courage to move forward towards one's dreams, Porcelaine Moderne has put Shine My Love products online with a pretty candle delicately scented with lilac, a Shine My Love dish and exclusively on the site the garland in Shine My Love earthenware. Shine My Love is a little message of encouragement from Jorge, a friend of the designer, a little message for all adventurers too modest to tell of their successes or too shy to dare to dream This little celebration of courage is the perfect opportunity to present to you the first Modern Porcelain garland exclusively available on the site. Autumn heralds the return of aperitif dinners and dinners at home, so it will be the ideal time for you to discover the recipe for Little Jack pumpkins stuffed with beef and Comté cheese and we will explain in detail how to organize a party for no reason !

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